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Need a Vet's Help!!


New Member
I know that there are a few vets that use this site so i thought i'd throw this question out there.

I just found a deer tick on my dog and i was wondering what the best method for removing the tick is. I ussually just pull the regular ones off but i thought that you are supposed to do something special for a deer tick as they are so small and you need to ensure that you remove the head. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you
Deer ticks are tiny tiny tiny and what you are likely seeing is a nymph stage of a common tick like the Brown Dog tick, Dermacenter sp, or the Amblyomma sp tick. Nonetheless, you can smother the tick with nail polish remover or nail polish and hope he detaches completely.
I typically recommend to clients to use a product called Frontline Plus thru september and on warm falls thru october. It takes about 24-48 hours from the time of attachment until the tick concentrates enough of the bacteria that cause diseases like lymes, RMSF, Ehrlichiosis, etc. (recent reviewed article I read)

If all else fails, just yank the thing out and treat topically with triple antibiotic if the head is still there. If it is a real concern, you could take your pup in and have it removed at the vets office.

Most cases of the diseases mentioned above go thru the animal in a sub-clinical form and the animal does not exhibit clinical disease. In cases where they do, it is usually and immune suppressed animal. If I tested every dog that came into the clinic for Lymes and Ehrlichial disease, I would likely come up with 30-40 % showing some type of exposure. Good Luck and I hope I was able to help.
Thanks for the info Shredder. I do trat him with frontline plus, i apply it on the first of every month so it's just about time to re-apply. I think he might have picked it up while pheasant hunting on Sunday. I used a tweezer and did get the head removed but the tick was fully engorged. At this state it was about the same size as a regular brown tick when it has not been feeding, this is why i think it is a deer tick. He has been vacinated for lymes and i think he should be OK He is due for his lymes shot so should i have him tested before getting him vacinated? Thanks again Shredder.
I think you will be fine just having him vaccinated again. The test most vets run to test for Lymes is a test for exposure and cannot differentiate active infection from exposure to the agent that causes disease. The prophylactic usage of Doxycycline for every animal that tests positive will eventually lead to resistance to the antibiotic. If he begins to show signs of lethargy, depression, polyarthritis, fever, etc, that is the time to get them in and begin treatment
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