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Need Bigfoot board help


Active Member
I just received a Bigfoot board to control an Olympus D-380. The instructions are pretty straight forward except for one thing.
The three main wires are simple enough, but the instructions say that the JP2 needs to be jumpered. Thats ok, but jumpered to what?
Shovel,if I read your post correctly, you should make a small solder jumper from one solder pad to the other on the solder port JP2. If you are a member at Hags, Dave A.K.A. Treetop can help you with this for sure. Good luck.
Shovel, if you don't get the info you need, contact Duckaholic. I work with him, and he built my camera with a D380 and Bigfoot board. He said it was pretty easy to do.
If you ordered your board off their website noting that it was for a D380....it is probably already jumpered. All of mine have been anyways. If not, you will see where JP2 is labeled(under the other 4 contacts) and you will also see that there are two very small contacts. Just jump the two and your on to the next step. Hope that helps
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