Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

need help please


New Member
ive hunted the same 20 acre peice of timber for 12 yrs and it has always produced nice deer, now here is my problem i hung my stands in june and then suffered a back injury and just got cleared to hunt. in years passed deer just passed through between the bedding area and fields. ive been out 3 times now and the deer are bedding in it right under my stands so at six am i kick out every deer on the place in the evenings i see nothing. this area is tore up with rubs and scrapes already so do i risk moving stands or keep tring also there is only 2 ways in and both ways i kick deer out any advise would be great
Sounds to me like you don't have much choice. I'd rather hang an additional stand at this point and 86 the others for now but if you have to move one further from the bedding and closer to the field then so be it. Hope it all pans out one way or another.
I just moved two stands on Monday afternoon, hunted one of them last night and had a great night. It's up to you but you are getting close to the point where that might be a good place to be with the scrapes and all. Good Luck.
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