Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Need some input..


PMA Member
I'm wondering that if I were to put up mineral licks in/near my immediate hunting area for summertime trailcams, would it be legal to hunt over them if they were completely covered up before deer season?
I was thinking of maybe digging a hole and building a 4'x4' box out of 2x10's or so and having a lid that I can open and shut and burrying it so that the lid sits level with the ground and then placing the mineral site inside of that. That way, come deer season, the deer won't be able to get to it anymore.. not that they really ever use mineral sites past the first week of September anyway.

For quick reference, here are the regs out of the 2010 Iowa Hunting and Trapping Regulations, pg. 24. :

Prohibited Devices and Activities
You may not use dogs, domestic animals, bait,
radios, handguns, rifles and crossbows (except as described
below), automobiles, aircraft, electronic calls
or any mechanical conveyance or device to hunt
deer. Paraplegics and single- or double-leg amputees
may hunt from any stationary motor-driven conveyance.
“Paraplegic” means an individual afflicted
with paralysis of the lower half of the body with the
involvement of both legs, usually due to disease or
injury to the spinal cord.​
means grain, fruit, vegetables, nuts,
hay, salt, mineral blocks, or any other natural food
materials, commercial products containing natural
food materials, or by-products of such materials
transported to or placed in an area for the purpose of
attracting wildlife. Bait does not include food placed

during normal agricultural activities.
Good idea, all I've done so far is put a giant piece of plywood over it with a rock on top OR I've brought in a big bale of hay. Funny thing is, they don't even use my mineral licks in fall BUT I have to follow regs and I do. Good ideas.
Call your local game warden and talk to him about it. If he says its ok, then go ahead and try it.
Only way to know for sure what is legal or not, it so contact your local CO.
There are too many grey area's.
Everytime I've tried to cover a bait site with plywood or fill it in with soil the deer always dig around the edges of the plywood or just paw they're way back down to the site. After speaking with the CO for my county he told me that his position was that if there was evidence of a wallow, whether covered or not, he would issue a citation if he believed that it was located in an area that was actively hunted. So I am still searching for a way to legally have a mineral site on my land. The law, however, is left up to the discretion of the CO for your area.
I think once you have a bait sight established there is really no way to get rid of it unless you have a feeder of some sort. Salt blocks/mineral blocks/etc never go away no matter what them deer smell and taste it and will keep coming back. I have a site that we had 2 years ago that is still being used today, permanent hole in the ground 2ft by 2ft. I think if you cover it up and get rid of maybe but if its on direct contact with the ground your not gunna be able to get rid of it. I think best bet would be to have your CO come out and check out your site or at least give him a call, I'm sure he'd definitely be willing to help you out or at least point you in the direction of someone who can. I guess the only thing that is confusing to me is why would it matter were you put your bait station? Why does it have to be were your hunting at because you can't hunt over it because that's baiting. I guess the only reason I'd put a camera and salt block in the area I'd be hunting would be to hunt over it or to bring the deer closer to me which either way you look at it its illegal. To be save I personally would just be save and not hang stands in the area or move the sight. Just my opinion though.
I guess the only thing that is confusing to me is why would it matter were you put your bait station? Why does it have to be were your hunting at because you can't hunt over it because that's baiting. I guess the only reason I'd put a camera and salt block in the area I'd be hunting would be to hunt over it or to bring the deer closer to me which either way you look at it its illegal.

I only own 10 acres in the middle of a big block of timber, and would like to have a mineral site to bring deer in to see what kind of potential I'm dealing with.. It's hard to do that on this small of a parcel with out being considered hunted over.
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