PMA Member
I'm wondering that if I were to put up mineral licks in/near my immediate hunting area for summertime trailcams, would it be legal to hunt over them if they were completely covered up before deer season?
I was thinking of maybe digging a hole and building a 4'x4' box out of 2x10's or so and having a lid that I can open and shut and burrying it so that the lid sits level with the ground and then placing the mineral site inside of that. That way, come deer season, the deer won't be able to get to it anymore.. not that they really ever use mineral sites past the first week of September anyway.
For quick reference, here are the regs out of the 2010 Iowa Hunting and Trapping Regulations, pg. 24. :
during normal agricultural activities.
I was thinking of maybe digging a hole and building a 4'x4' box out of 2x10's or so and having a lid that I can open and shut and burrying it so that the lid sits level with the ground and then placing the mineral site inside of that. That way, come deer season, the deer won't be able to get to it anymore.. not that they really ever use mineral sites past the first week of September anyway.
For quick reference, here are the regs out of the 2010 Iowa Hunting and Trapping Regulations, pg. 24. :
Prohibited Devices and Activities
You may not use dogs, domestic animals, bait,
radios, handguns, rifles and crossbows (except as described
below), automobiles, aircraft, electronic calls
or any mechanical conveyance or device to hunt
deer. Paraplegics and single- or double-leg amputees
may hunt from any stationary motor-driven conveyance.
“Paraplegic” means an individual afflicted
with paralysis of the lower half of the body with the
involvement of both legs, usually due to disease or
injury to the spinal cord.
radios, handguns, rifles and crossbows (except as described
below), automobiles, aircraft, electronic calls
or any mechanical conveyance or device to hunt
deer. Paraplegics and single- or double-leg amputees
may hunt from any stationary motor-driven conveyance.
“Paraplegic” means an individual afflicted
with paralysis of the lower half of the body with the
involvement of both legs, usually due to disease or
injury to the spinal cord.
means grain, fruit, vegetables, nuts,
hay, salt, mineral blocks, or any other natural food
materials, commercial products containing natural
food materials, or by-products of such materials
transported to or placed in an area for the purpose of
attracting wildlife. Bait does not include food placed
hay, salt, mineral blocks, or any other natural food
materials, commercial products containing natural
food materials, or by-products of such materials
transported to or placed in an area for the purpose of
attracting wildlife. Bait does not include food placed
during normal agricultural activities.