Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Need your help


Well-Known Member
Early this week I had an old friend stolen - my bow. It had been very, very good to me over the last 4 years of hunting but it was stolen out of my vehical in my driveway just outside of Des Moines, IA.

Please pass this along to your fellow hunters and sports shops to watch out for a Left handed Mathews FX, green winners choice string, Trophy Taker Rest, shock-blocker stabilizer, Peep with rubber tubing, and a tricked-out Spott Hogg - "Hogg it" with 6" of fiber opics running down the dove tail mount.

Reward for information leading to the recovery.
Sorry to hear about your bow, OneCam. Might be a good idea to keep an eye on eBay. Hope you get it back.
This bow stands out like a sore thumb. The string looks like a 20 year old boat anchor rope. Sorry to hear that OneCam. Might be a good idea to call the local pawn shops, and sporting good stores. Hope you get her back.
Bad deal! Was it in a case? Four guys we were in bear camp with had all their bows taken from their van in a motel parking lot in Winnepeg. Detective said the crooks saw the cases and thought (probably)they were getting guns.
I saw a 200" non-typ just outside of DM with a bow. He was bragging to his buds that they were safe because their nemisis was bow less!!!
Just kidding Chris, that sucks. I'll keep an eye open over here, I remember the bow and lefties aren't that common. Good luck finding out who did it, but with Halloween and all, it may have been a bunch of kids walking by who thought cool, lets take this.
what a bunch of crap. what kind of loser steals a bow. pretty low. man i hope you find it and beat the people who took it. on the other hand talk to the wife and buy a new outback to replace it for a while!!
20 year-old boat anchor rope!!!
I was thinking it but you beat me to it. Sorry Chris!
Got any pictures of that bow, Chris? I will keep an eye out for it down in this area.
vman...shouldn't you be working? I know you don't know how to hunt.
Unbelieveable!! I'll watch the pawn shops.Where were you in Des Moines?If you shot right I would lend you my bow.
Chris, I thought guys that stole treestands were the lowest forms of life, but that beats all. The deer gods frown on this. I wouldn't be suprised if that string snapped when the punk tried to pull it back and gives him a lashing. That's a heartbreaker. I'm sure you have a back up. Time to start a new lucky bow. If I see it, I'll knock'm out and come for my reward, some arrow wraps!!

I am packing up right now. My Outback won't fit in the SKB case I have so I am bringing you an Ultra 2 to use. I also have a Q2XL at the house and you are more than welcome to use that. I have a shorter draw cam that I will bring and we can swap it out at Winke's. You can't have my Spott-Hog. I'll see you this week. Call my house 641-932-2088 and we will set up a time to meet.

That's a major bummer! We hope you get your old friend back soon.
You make all us lefties proud.
Chris,I hope the lowlife that took it get's thing's he's never heard of!!!What kind of looser steal's another person's bow?
That stinks One-Cam. A friend of mine had some looser break into his truck topper and steal his bow last fall too. Beleive it or not, his home-owners insurance covered the cost of a new bow since the truck was parked at his residence at the time. Won't help you get old lucky back but might not hurt the pocket-book so bad if it works for you. Good Luck, and may the fleas of a thousand camels infest the arm pits of the scum that stole your bow!
I always hate to hear something like that. I've got some old stuff that just can't be replaced too. It was probably some Iraqi and it is hid with the WMD.
Thanks everyone for your kind words - especially Hobart

pharmer - to funny
. . . it was either that or someone that thought, because I have two bows, they were entitled to one of them
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