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New Bow

Well I think I've finally convinced myself that I deserve a new bow. The bow I have now shoots great, but now that I'm able to afford one I can't seem to quit thinking about it. I have had my eye on the Carbon Knight for some time now and as soon as Boyd is free I'm going to try and get into his shop and hopefully get my hands on one and see how it feels. Anyone on here shooting this bow or that has shot this bow? Also looking at the Destroyer. Both look like nice bows to me. Comments, cares, or Concerns?
I have never shot any Bowtech bows so I can't personally gauge either model. The only complaint I have heard some make about the Carbon Knight is the quality of the materials and the % of carbon actually used.
I haven't shot it so I don't have anything of value to say but I do seem to remember a lot of guys on ArcheryTalk bashing it, for whatever reason, when it was first released.
I'd go for the Destroyer if you have the cash. That is a SWEET bow! I shot it (mistake) a few years ago even though I couldn't afford it.
I eventually bought the Assassin from Boyd at Buck Hollow. It was all I could afford and I was tired of shooting my 14 year old Hoyt.

I would like to add this bit as well. Even though Buck Hollow is a 45 minute drive to the east from where I live it is well worth it. I will never set foot in the other pro shop in my area again. Simply not worth it. But that's a story for a different thread.

As to the difference between the Carbon Knight and the Destroyer, the Destroyer is faster and has more kinetic energy. A lot more.

But....if you look at Bowtechs website and compare the Assassin and the Carbon Knight, the Assassin is 2 fps slower yet has 2 pounds more KE than the CK. Not sure why that is but it is noteworthy because of the 200 dollar price difference.
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Honestly if you were set on bowtech I would save the money and go with the assassin, awesome bow never let me down. I shoot just as good with it as my buddies do with there high end bows.
I ended up going with the Creed. Up until about five minutes before I shot it I was telling my buddy that came with me that I would never be one of those guys that buys a Mathews because of all the hype about them. I shot the Spyder and the Creed back to back and I knew then that the Creed was the bow for me. By far the most smooth drawing bow I've ever shot. Also shoots tacks. I let my buddy shoot it later that day and his third shot was a robin hood. Also got the new Trophy Ridge React sight and WOW was it easy to sight in. Cant wait to get out after work.
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