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New calling concept


New Member
First I want to say hi and glad to be here. I've been working on a new calling concept that just started out to be for a few friends and I but became a call that worked well. So I got the patents in order and now I'm looking for just some feedback. I hunt in Pa. and we have the most bow hunters in the country so with everyone owning a grunt call the bucks are call shy to say the least. So I thought if you could incorperate the sound of a white tails walk with a grunt or rattle bag it would give you a new edge. So now when I grunt and get that buck to stop I throw out just 4 or 5 steps. He heard the grunt now he hears him moving. I'ts been a great combo for me. I'm just looking for feedback across the country. This call is not in mass production and they are hand made in Acme Pa. And there is know big company tied in with me. I just love to bow hunt and made a great connection. So if you have time please check out www.thecompletedeercallingsystem.com watch all the video's and let me know what you think. Thanks again Valentine
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I have sat in the tree many years now thinking that what is really needed is a call that makes the sound of a deer walking. I don't know how many times I have seen bucks turn on a dime and start heading in the direction of other deer walking. I think it would work great for blind calling as well. Looks good to me and I know it would work.
That would be nice to have to throw in while doing some rattling. If only I had another set of arms and hands..

Knowing my luck, I'd probably end up imitating a doe warning stomp with it and scare them all away.. :)
I bet the big names will be producing this as soon as possible. Someone is going to buy his patent. How much is buy in? This call will work!
Thanks from talkthewalk

Wow, Thanks alot guys, its been a long road to get it this far. If you want to leave a message on my site just click on the ask us tap and type away. I'll post them all. Thanks again.
My new call

I just want to through this out I did get all the patent work done and beleive it or not some big names turned me down. But it took three years to work all the bugs out so you guys will get the best results. My time is so limited to hunt and I only get one buck tag. Thanks again. Valentine
One spring I called a nice tom turkey to within about 30 yards, but he was hung up behind a large cedar tree. I soft purred, and he would strut, gobble, etc. but would not come around that cedar tree. Out of the blue I thought what he needed was to hear that hen walking in the dry leaves, so I slowly put my hand down and rustled some leaves to do my best "turkey walking" imitation. He cruised around the tree and was dead in just a few seconds. I have no doubt this thing will work given the right situation. Good luck :way:

Thanks again, If you want to leave a message on my site just click on the ask us tab and type away I'll post them all. Valentine
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I'm definitely interested as well. This year during the rut my brother ran in to trim a new stand set. He said he was sawing down trees, making a rucus in the dry leaves. Next thing he knows he looks up and a nice buck is cruising right to him and gets to 20yds... we were assuming he heard the rucus in the leaves and came to investigate.
I have a set of rattling horns tied together on a two foot length of rope. In the center of the rope I have a loop. I attach my bow hoisting rope to the loop and I lift and drop the rope to make the sound of bucks fighting and leaves rustling. The harder you yank the rope the louder the fight gets. It does work very well. And I also agree that turkeys respond well to the sound of other turkeys scratching in the leaves. Hope you get rich off of it! :way:
Not gonna lie, that is pretty cool. Sounds great! May I ask (without stealing the secret), what's in it?
Reply to all that responded back

I just want to say thanks again to everone that check my call out. It took alot of work to get it this far. So thanks again guys the feedback keeps me going. Valentine
Interesting...... You should get yourself a booth at the Iowa Deer Classic next month. That is the type of thing some would like to try before buying, and those type of trade shows help get the word out. If you come, I will buy one!!!
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