New Member
First I want to say hi and glad to be here. I've been working on a new calling concept that just started out to be for a few friends and I but became a call that worked well. So I got the patents in order and now I'm looking for just some feedback. I hunt in Pa. and we have the most bow hunters in the country so with everyone owning a grunt call the bucks are call shy to say the least. So I thought if you could incorperate the sound of a white tails walk with a grunt or rattle bag it would give you a new edge. So now when I grunt and get that buck to stop I throw out just 4 or 5 steps. He heard the grunt now he hears him moving. I'ts been a great combo for me. I'm just looking for feedback across the country. This call is not in mass production and they are hand made in Acme Pa. And there is know big company tied in with me. I just love to bow hunt and made a great connection. So if you have time please check out watch all the video's and let me know what you think. Thanks again Valentine
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