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New Camo Question


Life Member
I will be needing some new camo clothing for bow season this year. The clothing I have is getting old and faded.

So, I was wondering what you members are wearing for camo clothing? Any clothing you really like, dislike, or recommend?
Preditor fall had it loved the pattern but the zippers were so cheap .Using real tree gray. Not sure maybe a diff co is making the pred camo now makes better cloth,. This was when it first came out and the dye job was not the best ,was more of a one side dye job .
Mossy Oak = way to dark, makes a black blob out of ya.

I like the skyline brand, realtree advantage timber, realtree hardwoods and the predator stuff.

Skyline and predator get top votes, but you might not find them in a material you like, at least I didn't.

If you go with a polyester type material, it will resist fade, and dry much faster than cottons. I like Cabelas Microtex for an all around non rain fabric. It's cheap, resists fading, burr resistant, tough, dries fast and makes no noise. IMO the best fabric out there. Only one problem, it doesn't come in skyline or predator. You can get the advantage and a couple others which overall are pretty good.
I may be all alone on this one, but I like the Natural Gear pattern. A variety of manufacturer's offer the pattern on their products and it seems to be pretty versatile for this part of the country. I've got a snow cover jacket and pants for those conditions and the rest of the time I just wear the regular brown Natural Gear stuff.
Predator Fall Gray or Gray Wolf's own Intrusion camo. The late-season pattern will be on my back this December!
As far as patterns go I prefer predator fall grey or brown, advantage timber & Realtree hardwoods - depending on what stage of the fall/winter we are in.

My favorite outer layer, while there are still a few leaves in the trees, is a 3D leafy suit. They do a heck of job concealing movement and breaking up my outline.
Question for those of you who are using the Predators series. Does the Predator fall grey color work in early season to or is it to bright until the leaves are gone? I was just wandering if you guys ever had any experience in the past with getting picked out in the tree wearing the fall grey camo style in early season when the leaves are still on. I’m looking for the style that would be best all around for archery season and late season ML.
Im using the fall grey this year and had the brown deception last year. The brown deception would be great for early october on. I never got busted in it early or even looked at.
But the fall grey would work just fine early if your in a tree that has some skyline to it. That is exactly what makes fall gray the best for treestands and why iam using it this year.
If you are planning on being in trees with no skyline and you hunt alot early the brown deception is hard to beat but from late oct. on fall grey is without a doubt the best choice.
Now you guys that are wearing the Predator stuff, are you just buying this right off of their website or are there other companies that make better suits with Predator camo. I just want a lightweight coat and pants that I can layer underneath. I was looking at the bowhunters suit and the archers suit on their site. Cabelas also has a lightweight suit for pretty cheap too.

I was just wondering if somebody else wasn't making a real good suit (lightweight, comfy, quiet, etc.) that I wasn't seeing. I really like the fall grey pattern and was also looking at the deception pattern.
Don't buy the Cabelas Predator stuff. I have the Predator brand and Weasel bought the Cabelas stuff. His is almost white after three washes. I have the deception and the spring green of the actual Predator brand and have washed it several times and it hasn't faded at all.

Here is the cheapest place I have found to buy the actual Predator brand.

Archery by Mail

I would also suggest you look at the Grey Wolf Woolens in the wolf skin unlined. That is top of the line as far as I am concerned. I will be wearing Grey Wolf this fall.

Grey Wolf Woolens
Yes, Thanks limb. Do they also offer the facemasks besides the net ones? Am I not seeing it or are they not available?
Put my order in... Hopefully they will come with a four leaf clover in the pocket. I really needed a new suit and I really like the predator camo. Thanks for helping me narrow it down guys. Oh by the way I wanted the grey wolf's really bad but by the time I was done customizing them I had quit a bit of cash wrapped up. Went with the Predator Archers jacket and pants in the fall grey pattern. I'm sure I won't be done purchasing gear.
Do you know anything about that Bucksuede material on the Predator camo? I need new pants and I'm agonizing over those or the Microtex from Cabelas (It gets good reviews, but is not in Predator-I'd have to go with the Outfitter), or biting the bullet and ponying up for the wolfskin.
I don't know anything about the buck suede other than a friend of mine had some that wasn't the Predator but it was buck suede and it eventually (3 years) Got brittle.

I guess it is easy to say but I am looking at it from the stand point I am purchasing new clothes for hunting about every three years, some fit, some don't. I am going with the Grey Wolf so I don't have to do this anymore and it will keep me on my diet...

Plus, I don't like to cut corners with my equipment and if it costs me an extra $100 divided over the life of the garmet which I am guessing should be a minimum of 5 to 6 years it is worth it to me... That is the way I am justifying it...
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