Well-Known Member
"I have several deer hunting friends that share a concern.Where are the youngsters that will replace us?We all agree on one thing:The kids aren't seeing enough deer. My son is 16 and my two nephews are 18 and 15. MY brother and I own some prime hunting land adjacent to hundreds of acres of State land. The boys saw one deer last season.They only saw one deer the previous season. As youngsters, my brother and I saw lots of deer. We didn't care how big they were;it was exciting and we loved it.We want our boys to have similar experiences.They practice shooting,read and talk hunting, spend lots of time in the woods.We are noticing that they seem less excitied after each season.They just want to see some deer.We are doing everything we can to keep them interested. The DNR could certainly help.Let's rethink what we are doing to the deer herd.Once these boys, and others like them, find new things to do on fall days, we'll have lost our next genration of hunters." Does this sound like a letter from a hunter in Iowa? Maybe not yet,,but it could be in the future. This was a letter to the Editorial page of a popular Michigan Ourdoor publication I still receive. I left that State, partially because of the crapy state of Deer Hunting there.Now it looks like Iowa is going the same way.No place else to move!?