Life Member
Just got off the phone with lobbyist.
House has decided they want their own Deer Bill.Not sure what will happen, still in HNRC and they can't even agree on what they want to do.
Here are a couple key issues
Harvest Report They don't want to make it mandatory, they would rather reward those people who do report.Terry Little tried to convince them rewards don't work.$10 fee for not reporting will.All it amounts to is a short ph call or internet post. Will give DRN better tally on harvests.
If you live in an area you think the deer herd has been thinned enough(N Central Ia.) call your legislator, let them know about it.
Last issue,HNRC wants to keep the non resi antlerless tags at 2,500.
Personally if my legislator was on House NRC I would be making some phone calls and emails.
Need mandatory report
Call if you feel deer herd has been thinned enough in your area
Raise the # of antlerless tags,but keep the cap.
Just my two cents worth.
Nothing will be decided for a few days,make the calls.
House has decided they want their own Deer Bill.Not sure what will happen, still in HNRC and they can't even agree on what they want to do.
Here are a couple key issues
Harvest Report They don't want to make it mandatory, they would rather reward those people who do report.Terry Little tried to convince them rewards don't work.$10 fee for not reporting will.All it amounts to is a short ph call or internet post. Will give DRN better tally on harvests.
If you live in an area you think the deer herd has been thinned enough(N Central Ia.) call your legislator, let them know about it.
Last issue,HNRC wants to keep the non resi antlerless tags at 2,500.
Personally if my legislator was on House NRC I would be making some phone calls and emails.
Need mandatory report
Call if you feel deer herd has been thinned enough in your area
Raise the # of antlerless tags,but keep the cap.
Just my two cents worth.
Nothing will be decided for a few days,make the calls.