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New/Old shotgun


Active Member
New to me anyway.
After having my other double barrel stolen last spring I'd been looking pretty hard for a muzzle loading double that didn't cost an arm and leg. I finally managed to pick one up and just received it today. It's in better shape than it was described.
1860's vintage, English built 12 gauge, Both 30 inch barrels full choked. Should make for a dandy turkey gun.

Looks sweet, don't know if I could force myself to carry that one into the field, let alone shoot it.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JNRBRONC</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Looks sweet, don't know if I could force myself to carry that one into the field, let alone shoot it. </div></div>

Exactly my thoughts.


Dang Jay you didn’t tell me that shotgun was that sweet. Makes me want to purchase that other one all the more now. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif


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Well, I went out this morning and woke her up after untold years of rest. Discovered the left nipple was a little large for the caps to fit easily. The right lock needed a bit of tuning since it was hanging up on half cock every once in a while. Shot it a half dozen times with those issues and all went well. It's still in one piece. With a hundred grains and 1 1/4 oz shot she gets your attention with recoil! I love it.
Got home and cleaned her then did the minor adjustments that were needed. I may head out later and try for a dove or two.
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