Thanks for the offer TOMO.Right now the funds definitely are not in the pic.Since my accident my fiance is the only one that is bringing in the bacon(She does a hell of a job too)Watch yourself with E-bay.Not the site itself,but some of the folks on it.
Soory it is off the topic guys.Tomo a gentleman in Omaha sold a diamond studded Union Pacific Retirement watch that had belonged to a family member.This part was also his fault,when he got the check he didn't go to the bank to check the validity of the check,well he mailed off the watch and went to cash the $14,850 check and it was a fraud.
Now I am not sating at all that it is not a reputable site,I have bought and sold many tings off of there,but with the higher dollar items you have to watch it.Just a heads up for ya.Thanks for the offer on the Fat Boy,if Ihad the money I would consider it.