Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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Well-Known Member
All of the corn is almost gone in the area & deer lovin' is in the air. I have had a camera out since September & have never seen these guys before. I would be happy to see one during shooting hours on my trail.

How tall do you think that one tine is?


This one looks a little wide. Outside the ears?


And this one might be one to pass on. He looks like he lacks some mass.

Good looking deer, I think the most impressive part of the pictures is that trail, man that's a deer highway!
Unless that first deer has small ears I would say that the brows are 6 and 8 inches and the left G3 is pushing 14 or 15 inches. As far as the rest of the tines go they're nothing to sneeze at either. Kill him! :way:
the second one is wider. i agree that the first buck's tine is about 12-14 inches long. Like the trail as well.
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