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New to foodplots


New Member
I just got access to a new spot to hunt and on it there is a 2 acre field that was corn but i am able to put it into a foodplot. I was thinking about doing about 1/2 acre of foodplot b/c i have always heard that deer like smaller plots if you want to be able to hunt them over it. I have never put in a plot and i would very much appreciate any help that i can get. I will be getting some soil samples pretty quick here so that i can find out how much lime i need to put down. Other than that i have no clue. I want to plant something that will be beneficial to the deer all year round to help with growth and nourishment and also something that will draw them in come hunting season. Tell me what you think that i should do for this plot. Thank you.
We just started doing food plots this year too but I have some advice for you. Soybeans---they grow up good and provide a very good nutritional value and attraction durring the summer but as soon as they start to turn yellow, the deer will not go to them untill after bow season. What we did is planted Round-Up Ready Soybeans in the spring. Then, as soon as they turned yellow (Sep. 1), we mowed them down and plowed them into the dirt. Then we got some Buck Forage Oats and planted them in. We broadcasted them at a rate of about 125 pounds per acre with a hand spreader. Then, we lightly disked them in and harrowed them in after that. They grew up great but did not get very tall. They got very thick and were are still an excelent attraction throughout the fall. We have already had a good frost here in Iowa and on November 15, they are expecting 3-6 inches of snow but the oats are still as green as they were when we planted them. Oats will only come up one time though. These next pictures are from other members that I put on here for you. They may not look like much, but try them, Oats work.


Hope this helps!
Buck Forage Oats
I would plant all 2 acres, a 1/2 acre isn't much food. Whatever you plant is up to you, goodluck
I also agree with LIV4RUT. A 1/2 acre food plot is not much. Try a bigger one like he mentioned.
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