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Hello, This is my first post on the iowa forum, I'm from kentucky but planning on coming to Iowa in the near future if i'm drawn in the next couple years for a whitetail hunt, and maybe a turkey hunt. I've been thinking about the southeast corner of the state. I've heard alot of good things about this area. Does anyone have any insight on maybe were to start and how hard it is to gain Permission to hunt private land? Or will i be hunting public land only. I know in Kentucky 90% of the time there is no use in asking permission to hunt a farm either it's leased or a family member hunts it. Any help would be appreciated fellows.
Welcome to the site and good luck on your upcoming hunt. You will find great people with a lot of advice here. Land can be tricky but not impossible to come by. Do your homework and check out the public land which is rarely touched. Some really great bucks have come off of public land throughout the state in the past couple of years. You also may be surprised at what you find knocking on doors. I am not saying it will be easy but not impossible. :way:
Welcome to the site. SE Iowa has some great deer #'s and size. Do your homework and you will be happy!
I am in S/e Iowa and as far as Davis,Van Buren or Apanoose counties go.You will have a hard time finding private lant to hunt without digging into your wallet deep.There is a lot of great public land to hunt though.
Welcome to the site. I'm in N/E Iowa, and the public land gets plenty of preasure from squirrel hunting all the way through late muzzleloader. I use to bowhunt public land in the 70's and 80's, but could no longer get away from the crowds so quit. The only way you'll get on private land is by invite to a hunting party in N/E iowa. I don't even think a person could buy their way on most private land up here.
I can't speak for the rest of the state, and I don't know if you'll be gun or bow hunting, but it seems like around here (NW Iowa) it's surprising how many people will let you on private land if you're bow hunting.
I've heard of several people who got permission to bow hunt on land that is supposedly off limits to hunting. This spring I was with a buddy who lost his spot last year and got to talking with a farmer and was hinting around about hunting and the farmer said that he'd just as soon keep hunters off of his ground. The friend then mentioned that he was 'just going to be bowhuting' and the conversation then turned to "Oh, you're just bowhunting....well heck, go right ahead then". I find it a little odd, but it's happened more than once around here.
At any rate, it's not going to hurt to go knocking on doors. The worst that'll happen is they'll tell you no. OK, worst case is that they'll raise their voice at you and throw a few four letter words at you with the 'no', but that won't kill ya! :D
Good luck!
Thanks for all the help guys, i plan on puttin in this coming up year for archery tag, if i have enogh luck i'll get drawn the first year but highly unlikely. I've had my eyes on SE iowa for 2 years now and plan on taking a trip out to get a feel of the land. I wish Ky was a draw only state. We have so many people hunting here that most farmers lease their farms for 20 to 30$ a acre some people like me ain't got that kinda money lol. As far as our public land it's not bow hunted at all, but come rifle season ha good luck finding a place that doesn't have a hunter every 100 yards in a tree or a field full of people walking around. The deer numbers are very low on Peabody WMA were i live. I've wrote several emails to fish and wildlife but nothing will get done about it. They used to have a draw only first week of rifle season but that went in the dumpster. It's going down hill fast. Our fish and wildlife department won't do anything for the wildlife except rabbit and quail. Permit's go up in price and amount of work goe's down. I hunt peabody hard the first 2 months of bow season and might see 10 deer the whole bow season there. No food for the deer. If they would make it a all draw hunt and take the application fee money and permit money and start puttin in food plot's, and doing habitat improvment for the deer and turkey populations would go back up. Also i think they should limit the number of deer and turkey hunters per year with a min. 15" antler limit on deer. Jus my opinion though, I guess one person isn't goin to make a difference.
What should you expect hunting public land in SE iowa in deer sightings per hunt and buck to doe ration while on stand?
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