Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

New to Iowa bow hunting...


New Member
Moved to Iowa from SW Colorado about a year ago and this will be my first bow season in Iowa (can't freakin wait!). I know that baiting is illegal, but are mock scrapes and other "scent enhancers" illegal too?
This is straight out of the regs. Scents are not illegal.
“Bait” means grain, fruit, vegetables, nuts, hay, salt, mineral blocks, or any other natural food materials, commercial products containing natural food materials, or by-products of such materials transported to or placed in an area for the purpose of attracting wildlife. Bait does not include food placed during normal agricultural activities.
I wasn't sure if it would fall under the by-products designation.
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It was awesome! We lived there for 6 years and I was lucky enough to shoot 7 elk. My biggest bull was just over 300", and I also shot the mountain lion in my avatar in December 2012. I wasn't much into hunting muleys, but we had some huge deer where I lived (shot a doe the first year, and it didn't eat well). Growing up in Texas, I had shot a lot of whitetails, so the bigger elk really got most of my attention...although I am really pumped about the opportunity to hunt BIG deer here!
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