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New Whitetails, Inc. Episode – “How Not to Turkey Hunt”

WKP - Todd

New Member
With a name like “Whitetails, Inc.” what can you really expect from us when it comes to turkey hunting? Hopefully the answer to that question is “To laugh at Todd”; well, we have you covered there. Check out the first episode of “How not to Turkey Hunt”. You will see “The New Jersey Trick Call”, some incredible how not-to tactic’s, and how to catch mice with your hands. Enjoy the mess at www.whitetailsinc.com
The continuous calling reminded me of a day I got bored in the stand and tried to play smoke on the water using my grunt tube..
I wasn't going to be the first one to bring it up, but man, stick to the slate and box calls!!!:D And no, you're not the only one to have tough luck with turkeys from time to time.
"Smoke on the water"???? Dude, you wouldn't happen to hunt near Mt. Pleasant, IA would you? I think you are hunting on a neighboring farm!

The first time my dad bought me a grunt call, I was 12. First day out I pissed the guys off I was hunting with so bad I didn't know if I was ever going to be able to hunt ever again. I was playing "Hot Cross Buns" according to them!
I don't bow hunt down there. Shotgun hunt in Lockridge, but I don't have my grunt tube with me that time of year.. I grew up in Fairfield, so maybe it's a SE Iowa thing..
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