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New Whitetails, Inc. Episode – The Godfather of Whitetails – Part 2

WKP - Todd

New Member
Part 2 of the Ted Miller experience “The Godfather of Whitetails – Part 2” is up and running! If you haven’t checked this out yet, do yourself a favor and watch both episodes. If this doesn’t get you excited for opening day I don’t know what can! Check it out at www.whitetailsinc.com
Best 2 videos of the year IMO. That guy got more big bucks on video last season than I have seen in the last 5 years. He is a stud.
sweet videos! So, whats that deal with the "hitching post" rub stick station? I saw that i the first video with that rope hanging down (mock scrape?) and then he pans out and the buck hits that rub on a stick. I've never seen that before. Was that pine or hard wood? Anyone else ever see that set up before or used it with any results? okay, back to the video!
He uses standard wooden posts for his uprights, and a cedar tree to make the horrizontal rub. I call them the Ted Miller Horrizontal rub, because as far as anyone I've talked to, this is the first of it's kind.

With that being said, it makes sense, and better than that, he's got thousands of trail cam pics and some INCREDIBLE footage of big mature bucks all-over those things!
Awesome footage on those Decoy Bucks.. I don't think I've ever seen that good of a close-up on a buck's eyes when on a decoy like that.. AWESOME.

I'm also seeing hitching posts being built all over this state now.. Coming soon to every trail cam pic on here!!!!
I will give the old Miller Rub Post setup a Wisconsin try this fall. I'll post some pics and keep you boys up to date on the results!
Dug in my Ted Miller style rubbing post last night. Made mine out of 4in. diameter spruce limb. Todd, do you get them to start rubbing it by using any scent on it? If it's a trade secret I understand!!
Dug in my Ted Miller style rubbing post last night. Made mine out of 4in. diameter spruce limb. Todd, do you get them to start rubbing it by using any scent on it? If it's a trade secret I understand!!

It helps if you actually have bucks on your property to begin with :D
All those forkies need an easy place to polish things up. Having no big bucks keeps guys with a Michigan accent from bothering me.
All those forkies need an easy place to polish things up. Having no big bucks keeps guys with a Michigan accent from bothering me.

No, I think living in Claytontucky does that! Besides, if you build a bunch of these out on the farm, Bonker is just gonna hurt himself walking to the stand in the morning!
I asked Ted about scent and he said he's never used any on his. I'm going to probably try mine like Ted does - and make changes if I don't get any action.
Bonker is just gonna hurt himself walking to the stand in the morning!


Im sure he was just informing her that having sharp objects around those is not a good idea! That bonker, always trying to be the good samaritan :drink1:
Yeah, what you can't see is my three foot tongue and the smile on her face.

Line? What line? I didn’t cross any line. If I did I didn’t see it.

And I hurt myslef the night before the hunt. The walk to the stand just compounds the problem. (I blame Bill Samules. Founder of Star Farms and Makers Mark.)
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