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New Whitetails, Inc. Web Show – Dallas Part 2

WKP - Todd

New Member
Well, part 2 of the Dallas Ft. Worth’s story has been launched, and I got to tell you, we didn’t quite plan on this. What you will see in this episode is Dallas putting an arrow through a buck named Shipwreck. There is an ending to this story, but it would take too long to tell right now. Insane....

Check out the last footage of a legend alive. www.whitetailsinc.com
Todd, did you guys find any of the busted off arrow in the body from last year during gutting/skinning/caping? Just curious what was hit last year, all above the spine or did he make it on one lung?
Not that I know of. I'm going to check out the carcass today again. Sam said it had a bulge in the spine, so I'll take a bunch of pics and stuff to check out.
my thoughts while watching the video were that he hit it up in the back straps and was just curious.

tell sam congrats.
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