WKP - Todd
New Member
This week on Whitetails, Inc. – you will get to see some bone! If there is one thing I pride myself on is passing really nice bucks that I’d rather see given a chance to reach their potential. I’m not sure what it is, but there is something really empowering about knowing you have a bucks future in your hands. While there was a time where many of these bucks would have gave me a heart attack; I now am pretty adamant about holding out for 5-1/2 year old deer or older. From 4 to 5 these bucks become different animals, and the challenge I truly set my sights on. Antler size really doesn’t matter; it’s not why I hunt. Enjoy some of the greatest hunts of my season, and thanks very much for watching! Check it out at www.whitetailsinc.com