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New Whitetails, Inc. Web Show - Beyond the Gobbler Dome - Part 3

WKP - Todd

New Member
This week on Whitetails, Inc. - I finish out my Iowa Turkey season by killing my second giant gobbler with a bow. What an end to the best turkey season EVER! I didn't kill the new - new world record, but the footage and knowledge I gained this year made it pretty special. Check out Part 3 of "Beyond the Gobbler Dome" now at www.whitetailsinc.com

Thanks so much for watching, and let us know what you think.
Hoping this is the last thread regarding Turkey hunting this year. :)

Can't wait to watch it and then lets focus on some antlers.. I also hope you did some vids trimming tree's and hanging stands in this 100 degree heat..
Hoping this is the last thread regarding Turkey hunting this year. :)

Can't wait to watch it and then lets focus on some antlers.. I also hope you did some vids trimming tree's and hanging stands in this 100 degree heat..

Sorry Scoffin. :rolleyes:

Keep the turkey threads also coming.

Fall deer and turkey a great combination. :way:
So did the wedding happen? If so, congrats!! Looks like you already have some experience in women's "logic" when it comes to hunting. Good luck to you both.
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