Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

New World Record Turkey Kill - Iowa Bird - On-Camera!

WKP - Todd

New Member
Hey All,

Kinda crazy, but I just killed the new world record turkey with a bow here in Iowa. It's a 6-bearded freak turkey and I'm pretty much the luckiest guy in the world for having the opportunity - and to have caught the entire hunt on-video.

To see some pictures of the bird including pictures from the video footage, check out our website at: www.whiteknuckleproductions.com

Todd, that thing is freakin cool congrats on your first bird, pretty sure you should just retire from Turkey Hunting now ;).

congrats, I just read the story on your web site, that it is very cool. You almost sound apologetic while telling the story because of what other people will think of you now, dont be!!!! Who cares if its your first turkey or your 100th its a world record and thats all that matters, savor the moment brother, you just killed the WORLD RECORD :drink2:

Todd: Incredible turkey, great story! Congratulations!

One question: Did I read this correctly? Your friend's name is Dallas Ft Worth or is he from Dallas-Fort Worth? I re-read it, maybe I am not reading it correctly.
After years of saying I would do it, I still have not yet found the time to take up the sport of turkey hunting. I look forward to someday enjoying that time afield. Sounds like a blast. Congratulations. :way:
Beast of a bird! Wouldn't want to have to pack him too far! :way: Can't wait to see the video:way:
Good job on that!

I know you work hard at what you do!:drink2::drink2::drink2::drink1::drink1::drink1:
AWESOME!! I haven't even gotten a jake in close enough to shoot yet this year. not that I'd take a jake, but when it's the last day of the season...well you know ;)
Great work!!
I'm glad you got it on video for several reasons:

1) I'm sure it's going to help your business out tremendously having a video that shows you downing a new world record.

2) All the moron nay-sayers won't be able to say you shot it out of the roost with a flashlight and a rifle!

Awesome, awesome work! You should be really proud of yourself! :way:
Thanks very much guys! Oh yes, full mount is going to be done by Hazel Creek Taxidermy. It will be a sweet mount when it's done!

I was thinking the same thing about the video. Pretty hard to dispute you kill the bird when the story (start to finish) is documented. The other thing we always do is film tagging the animals. Any of you guys out there that film, this is the best way to protect yourself. We film the tag itself, state the name, the date, the time, and where we are. If anyone ever questions a kill, you have documented proof and witness's to prove it without a doubt!

Thanks again guys - and I greatly appreciate the support!
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