Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

New Year Buck

Brett Morris

PMA Member
Not much of a story. We bumped this buck early on Saturday morning and he slipped out of the timber we were hunting. I saw him at roughly 200 yards and didn't feel confident with the shot so didn't take it. Wasn't hard to tell which buck it was since we don't typically shoot any deer over 18"-19" wide. Our last push of the day I nestled into a fence row and he ran within 100 yards, stopped, and got a 245 grain sabot through both lungs. Ran about 75 yards and piled up. My biggest buck at 158 1/2". Sorry for all the pics :way: Almost 21" wide (20 7/8")





2011 Trail Cam Pics: He was busted up in the first picture I got, didn't realize it was him until 3-4 weeks of the rut had gone by.


2012 Trail Cam Pics: No velvet pics but hit the cameras almost weekly through December. Always in the middle of the night.




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Super buck. These late season bucks sure do look worn down sometimes. I know the one I shot on Dec. 30th was really small bodied. Rut sure does take a toll on them.

That's a great buck!! Your girlfriend looks happy for you too!!! :)
Well done, congrats!!
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