Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

nice doe pic


Well-Known Member
while out doing some shedding i walked right up on a bunch of does, couldn't waste the opportunity so i snapped a few pictures. they'd better wise up cuz i'll be hunting here this fall, i was 20 yards away from her. i think i have the rollin in the does contest locked up for this coming fall.

Excellent pic! I bought a small digital cam a while back. It's really nice to carry with while scout'n, etc, been hope'n to catch a good pic like that.
that is an awesome picture muddy, it would be a good pic for a story on doe management. here is a pic i took its not as good as that but its a lil buck just starting to grow his horns after a long day of turkey hunting, i just liked the sun in the background
you know muddy, i think you can actually sell pics like that to some people that write articles, i dont know how you would ever figure that out but you might be able to. course i think most outdoor writers need pictures that are in slides, ive heard of people selling their pics though
Muddy, That is a fantastic photo. I think Liv4Rut is right, you may be able to sell that to a magazine.

Liv, I like that picture of yours too. I really like the sun silhouetting the deer.

Good work men!
I have several nice deer pics and tries to find places that would buy them and can't seems to find any. Muddy, if you look and find someone let me know who they are. Here's one I like....
Got pretty close to this buck before he took off! I posted in the photo gallery but thought it would be a good picture for this thread.

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