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Nikon Warranty work


PMA Member
My year-old Nikon 10-42s had a problem with the eyepiece threads stripping out. I went thru the warranty "paperwork" online and sent them off to California, figuring I may never see them again. 10 days later they were back in my hands with both eyepieces replaced with a newer,much better design. My only cost was shipping out there. Just thought I would let anyone out there contemplating Nikon warranty work to not be afraid.
Yep I have sent mine in three times. They had good turn around for me as well. I am just disappointed that I needed the warranty work that often.
they are good at taking care of you, but that problem seems to be one that can't fix.... been through 3 pairs and they still do that.... kinda bunk, wish they would step up and fix it!
Yep I have sent mine in three times. They had good turn around for me as well. I am just disappointed that I needed the warranty work that often.

Had same issues and always fixed but hate hassle of sending in that often. But, they do fix it :way:
I had a pretty much opposite experience. My Nikon DSLR got wet last summer tarpon fishing down in Cancun. We called, filled out the paperwork and sent it in. Not a warranty repair, but their customer service was horrible. We got a quote of $300+ to fix it, which was fine, but they wouldn't tell me what was actually wrong other than to regurgitate what I told them was wrong via their "track progress" on their repair tracking link. A month after sending it off, we got it back, basically rebuilt to show-room specs and an invoice saying what they did. I called them up and asked them if they gave their mechanic the "ok" to fix the problem before they agreed to pay or if they just paid to have their car fixed based on what they told the mechanic was wrong. They were dumbfounded that I demanded to know what I was paying for ahead of time and kept reiterating that they are committed to getting their products back to their customers as soon as possible. I told them I'd rather they take their time and communicate what I'm paying for before they fix it. I told them that with customer service like that, I may never buy another Nikon product again.
I had to opposite happento me to with the warrenty... It was aproblem with one of the eye peices not focusing in about 6 months after i got them... When i sent them in the warrenty they said it wasnt cover and i had to pay... It was only 30 buck plus shipping but wasnt happy... I figured if i get nice binos i wouldnt have those problems...
This really has nothing to do with this post, but I have two sets of Nikon binoculars.

Both of them I have owned for many years and I have beat the heck out of them. They have fallen from tree stands several times and off the dash of my pick-up.

Once I set my 10x50s on top of my truck and like a fool I drove off and watched them bounce several times on the gravel road while watching them in my rear view mirror. :(

What am I saying? I have never had a problem with either pair……..so no, I know nothing about Nikon’s warranty work. But I do know Nikons have always worked for me. :)
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