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No AZ/So UT Mulies


Iowa Boy At Heart
I'm staying in Kanab, UT for a couple of days' worth of meetings and the hotel I'm staying at has these 4 mounts on the lobby wall. Some of you probably know that northern Arizona (AZ Strip) and southern Utah are known for massive mulies. I keep applying for the unit that at least one of these bad boys was taken in and, if I'm lucky, I'll get drawn in another 10 years!

All 4:

Close up of the best 3:

This one was actually a matched set of sheds that was found and placed with a good cape:


These are pretty much the "norm" for this area and are a good reason why there is a 3% draw success rate for the 2 units in northern AZ. And I was out with a regional supervisor for AGFD today and he was telling me about a buck that was found lion-killed on the AZ Strip and it went 230"+. A 34" wide buck was also found poached in one of the AZ Strip units this past November. I'm hoping I can maintain the patience to get drawn there and it actually happens in less than 10 years, especially with a base of bonus points all ready under my belt! Anyway, I saw these on the wall and thought you might all enjoy seeing what AZ/UT has to offer. :way:
I love the buck that is actually sheds. What a beast. Someday I would love to chase those things!!
Awesome deer! You don't need to draw to go shed hunting though do you? :way:

Nope, sure don't. Those two hunt units in AZ are also in my geographic area of responsibilities (of several) for Endangerd Species Act issues and I've been wanting to go explore them to be more familiar with my "turf" and what all is out there. Interestingly, in my meeting yesterday in Kanab, the AZ Strip BLM told me I could use their administrative cabin in the mountains up there just outside of the wilderness anytime I want to go explore. My schedule is horrible right now, but guess where I'll be heading next spring? :D
Nope, sure don't. Those two hunt units in AZ are also in my geographic area of responsibilities (of several) for Endangerd Species Act issues and I've been wanting to go explore them to be more familiar with my "turf" and what all is out there. Interestingly, in my meeting yesterday in Kanab, the AZ Strip BLM told me I could use their administrative cabin in the mountains up there just outside of the wilderness anytime I want to go explore. My schedule is horrible right now, but guess where I'll be heading next spring? :D

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