Active Member
I called in a Bobcat. I was hunting down in southern Iowa last weekend and I had just set up in this thick timber and let out my first call. Instantly 3 birds responded 50 yards behind me, pumped up I let out another call and all 3 thundered again. I grabbed my bow and got ready. All the sudden all the birds started puttin super loud. There must of been 6 or 7 birds going nuts. I couldn't figure out what I had done wrong. All the sudden I look over and I see something coming in fairly fast through the thick timber. I thought coyote so got ready. Finally it got to 10 yards and when it saw my decoys it spun around and crouched down in a bush not 10 yards away from my blind. I couldn't believe my eyes when I realized it was a Bobcat. It sat there for about 5 minutes staring at my decoys when I couldn't take it anymore, I let out a soft call and the cat looked over and saw my blind. He immediately sprawled out and just stared at the blind. He was trying to hide but yet was curious. Finally I just stuck my hand out the window and waved at him. He didn't take off fast, he just bellied crawled out of there. I thought it was kind of neat, the only bad thing is he spooked the birds over to the next ridge where I had to watch them strut for 3 hours and gobble at everything I threw at them. I guess that is why we go hunting to see neat stuff like that.