Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Non-Resident hunt info



A friend and I are looking at taking a trip to Iowa next fall (2004) for a bowhunt and are wondering if anyone could help us out with a good starting point. Are there any good areas of public land with quality whitetail hunting? How tough is it to get permission to hunt private land for an out of stater and how tough is the draw for a non-resident archery tag? Any help would be greatly appreciated. We would much rather have a do it yourself hunt than hire an outfitter.
Welcome to the site Bowhntr!

I can't answer all your questions but when it comes to getting a tag you just put in your application over the phone next May and cross your fingers. At this point I would say unless you take a doe tag it is a every other year thing at best. Getting permission to hunt on private land is getting to be a real chore if you don't already know someone. The good thing is that the folks up in Iowa are nice none the less. As far as where to hunt, well the whole state has quality deer but I would say the southern half has more populations of deer. There are others on this site that can answer that question better than I.

Good luck. What part of Colorado you from?
Moved here not to long ago, this is my first year elk hunting. A friend and I drew cow tags so we will see how it goes. I see you are from Missouri. Do you know anything about how the hunting is in Poplar Bluff? My wife thinks her aunt moved near there and has some property. It is definately worth checking out.
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