Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Not a deer, but....


New Member
a yote! Friday night I managed to tag a yote with my .44 mag pistol. Shot him at 30 yards. A first for me, a yote with a pistol I mean. I've taken them every other way but never with a pistol.

.44 mag hollow point + coyote at 30 yards = not good! Lets just say I didn't have to track him.

Nice shot! Say, has anyone ever suggested that you look like Festus from Gunsmoke fame?
I think the pistol does it for me!
nice lookin peashooter ya got there, what is it? what scope do you have on it? i just bought a super blackhawk hunter bisley (pics will be up soon
) and will be looking at scopes soon.

always fun to take an animal with a pistol. i did take a yote with my 22 pistol a couple years ago, but never winh one of my big guns...........yet
i'm gonna guess that the pistol is a BFR, or a ruger blackhawk. but if i had to bet, i bet BFR. do i win?
Well, you kind of win. You guessed it, you just didn't bet on it. It's a Ruger Super Blackhawk .44 mag 7 1/2" barrel topped with a Bushnell Trophy red dot. With this set-up and my loads I honestly can shoot 2-3 inch groups at 50 yards. Thats benched & bagged of course.
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