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Has anyone on here played goalie for either indoor or outdoor soccer? I am playing goalie for my intramural indoor soccer team here at college and I don't know whether to be excited or disappointed. I have usually played forward or defense and I like to be in the action but now I'll be stuck in the net. I suppose there is less a chance of injury,maybe,and I have been told I'm good at goalie although I've only played goalie in intramurals. Anyone have any advice or tips?
Keep the ball out of the goal!
Check out this site it may help you a bit. I coach hockey and we use who ever volunteers to play goalie, if someone tells me that they don't want to play I would never force them. If knowone volunteers we go with the person that signed up for goalie during registration. Good luck.

Tip:You must remain focused at all times while in the net,I know it will be hard,but try not to think about hunting!
The goalie is probably the most important person on the team, without one, the team would lose every time. Plus you don't have to run as much
If you really want to play something other than goalie let about 4 or 5 goals go by you right off the bat. GUARANTEE you'll not have to worry about being the goalie again.
What little I know about hockey ain't much but I do know this.

The goalie is THE MOST IMPORTANT postion on the team. Your team is relying on you to keep the other team from scoring so your team can win. Also your teamates will look for you to be the team leader, center of inspiration, and motivator. You also must be smart, agile, and willing to sacrifice injuring your body for the good of the team. Other than that, being a goalie is a piece of cake........

Hope this helps put your mind at ease Turkeygirl
Help your team by keeping the ball out of the goal. Don't be afaid of the ball.Hands out front. Knowing when to be ready. Knowing what to do. When to do it. GOOD LUCK
When theres a breakaway, cut the distance and dive for the ball, the more space he has the more room he has to shoot...
Thanks guys! You know..I never thought about cutting the distance on a break away. I've had the happen and just waited in the goal and that is how most of the goals that have gotten past on me happened. So what do I do on a break away...just run out and block some how? I'm not afraid ofthe ball...unless it is really flying at me,lol
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