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November 5th



I have been doing some reading, checking moon charts and talking to people and they all claim that November 5th is going to be the best day of the season for all the big boys to be moving. What do you guys think?
I have always had good sightings or luck on that day.....seems to be the turn around mark into kicking off the heavy Late PreRut activity
Lets see, the 5th is when I start my 17 day vacation!! Sounds like a good day for the hot action to get started on!!
I am very new to this sport compared to alot of you. But last year Nov. 5th is burned in my memory. I was out that day and it was incredible. It's a vacation day for me this year!
i mark november 5th and 11th as my days off as soon as i get the next years calender!killed 4 big boys on those days,one of them a 180plus on the 5th.it just seems like year after year these are great days to be out there.
For some reason Nov. 8th has always been good to me...dumb luck I guess.
I would take a lot of days in Nov, but yes Nov 5th is definitely a good one for some reason. Good luck to all. Hope everyone is starting to get out a little bit more now.
nov. 8th is a fav of mine too! i actually have 3 fav days..... nov. 4th, nov. 8th, and nov. 12th...........for some reason those have been great days to me in the past and definetly 3 days i really don't think i would miss for anything!
Nov. 8th thats my wedding anniverary. What kind of fool gets married i the middle of the rut. I must have been rutting myself.
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