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NR Results-Whats with this drawing?


WI Shedhead

My friend put in for area 9 bow season with one prefernce point and drew a tag. Good for him!!!

When I checked out the DNR website to check out my status, the hunter under my name DIDNOT draw a tag for area 9 bow season and he had 2 points going into the draw and now has 3!!!!

Are we being fleeced?

Whats with this?

Are the liscensing people to blame?

Just looking for some answers-

WI shedhead
Luck of the draw...some areas in the state a lot of folks apply with no points and still get a tag. If I were him tho, I would not play the Iowa Lotto.
Quote from the Nonresident application-

"The liscense drawing for Any-Deer liscenses will be made from the pool of applicants with the most preference points and continue to pools with succesively fewer preference points until quotas are filled or all applicants have recieved an Any deer liscense."

How does the guy with 2 points not draw and the guy with 1 draws?

WI Shedhead
WIShedhead are you sure they both applied for the same licence. If one applied for archery and another for gun or muzzleloader it can most definatly happen. You probably already looked at this but I thought I would throw it out their anyway.
It goes something like this;

Group #1: A group of 5 hunters want to hunt together. They apply together. Out of the 5 hunters, 4 of them each have two points, the other has zero.

Group #2: This group of 5 has 4 with three points each and the last hunter has zero.

Group #3: In this group, each of the 5 has one point each.

In this scenario, the first two groups don't have any points and the last group has one. With one point vs. zero, group #3 has the best chance and should not get passed up before the other two groups. The application says that IF THERE IS A DRAWING, ALL MEMBERS OF A GROUP WILL BE ASSIGNED THE PREFFERENCE POINT(S) OF THE MEMBER WITH THE FEWEST POINTS. All members of a group will be accepted or rejected together.

The fewest points thing is the big catch here. I hope that shows how your examples can and do happen.
I did some research today and found out that The guy that applied with 2 points applied with a group that only had one point therefore he gave up his second point and therfore the reason he shows having 3 points and not drawing. Sorry to stir the pot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WI Shedhead
No need to apologize you were just asking a question...
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