Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Oct 29 Bow Buck

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Came home for the Halloween weekend, and took the wife out to sit with me tonight. Had some does come in on high alert, blowing and stomping, not sure why because they were upwind. I though the hunt was over. At 5:45 P.M. I look up and there he was, standing 50 yards heading my way. He slowly came my way grunting and looking for the does that had just been there. He walked right into my shooting lane at 25 yards. After I let the arrow fly, my wife watched the deer run off and says "Holy .... did you get him?" A few seconds later we heard him crash hard 50 yards away. My best deer to date by far. Now my wife finally understands why I spend so much time scouting and hunting. She had just as much fun as I did!! We put a tape on him and got a rough gross of 170 3/8, net 165 3/8.
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There was definitely luck involved. I had pics of 2 shooters(not this big), but I have no trail cam pics of this deer. Only get to hunt this stand 2-3 times each year. Glad I was in it tonight.
Awesome buck!!! Congrats, its great that you could share the biggest buck for you with your wife and its even greater that she enjoyed it so much. You are blessed
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