jdubs, I think the Realteam crew has advertised Iowa much more than anyone else, although more are catching on, which is fine. We don't want to close the doors by any means it's just that 12,000 is plenty, It's why we have such great hunting here. Get in line and wait your turn like most other states.
Whackmaster,20 years to get to $300. It costs us $26/deer for residents. For example here was my cost for this year only.
1 paid bow $26
1 paid doe tag $26
1 paid doe tag $11
1 paid late muzzle $26
total= $89 This doesn't include the regular hunting fees associated either. Habitat fees etc...
Looks like I'll catch you in about 3.4 years, not 20. Now I know you were saying ONE deer even then I would catch you in 11. But the fact is I bought 4 not ONE. Besides, I took 2 does out of the herd and most non-res will only shoot trophy deer, and to be quite honest the herd problem is the biggest problem right now.
Leasing usually leads to an auction on good ground, the highest bidder wins. The thought of me and my now 4 year old not being able to deer hunt because we can't afford it sickens me. We are used to hunting on a handshake and I hate to see Iowa become a big business whitetail hunting state. We just don't have the public ground to absorb more people.
My 2 cents