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# of tags allowed for NONRESIDENTS 2004???



Has anyone heard any recent news on how many NON-Resident tags will be issued this 2004 season? - Mossyhorn
hope it stays as is so we can maintain a quality hunt and minimize leasing. This will be a long thread i predict. Happy freaking January all!! At least i can shoot DART league tonight.
Re: # of tags allowed for NONRESIDENTS 2004??? *DELETED*

Post deleted by OneCam
Jake, I'm curious how much land you own/lease in Iowa and Ill.? Most Iowans don't care for non-residents leasing up hunting ground in their state. What's your opinion on the subject?
Hunt on All4s
Don't mind the non-res tags being raised, but the way its going resident bow hunters are about to become the MINORITY. IBA where are you ???
Hunt on All 4's:
To answer your question just now buying some land! Looking at a couple of different farms in south eastern / central IA. I leas quite a bit and own in Illinois right now. My opinion is the whole thing is that one must work with the idea and not push it off. Non residents comming in and hunting is not an idea it is a fact. I can tell you one thing I have learned over the years is that landowners love good relationships so any one should make sure those are maximized. Relationships will go along way to getting you good spots to hunt. A lot of time even over money. I also think that land is a source of income in many way: Crops, CRP, Timber, and hunting. On certain farms they may all even be equal. This the country of the free world and I am serious about may Big Buck Hunting.
You said it right. I can't believe members on this site comment they do not want more NR's when all this site does is promote hunting in IA. Between this site, Iowa Deer, who is now teaming up with ESPN Outdoors, and the Kisky site, what do you all expect. It's almost as if NR's are to admire IA hunting but don't cross the border. I hate to say it but all the Iowa deer sites have contributed to the NR situation many view as a problem.
I'm from Michigan, and I am a little frustrated by what I am reading here. Let me start by saying I am paying your DNR Over 300 dollars to hunt ONE deer in your state. It would take you guys over 20 years of license buying to match that number. If your DNR is run correctly, wich I'm sure it is, your herd will benefit from my buying a license. Leasing is available to anyone. If you enjoy a place, and are on good terms with the landowner, why wouldn't you offer he/she something to assure yourself that you can hunt there for a long time?! Even if you offer to work on the property, or do something to help the landowner. Like the previous few replies have stated, you Iowa natives shouldn't lose focus of what this site is promoting. That's my 2 cents worth from a Non Resident point of view.
jdubs, I think the Realteam crew has advertised Iowa much more than anyone else, although more are catching on, which is fine. We don't want to close the doors by any means it's just that 12,000 is plenty, It's why we have such great hunting here. Get in line and wait your turn like most other states.

Whackmaster,20 years to get to $300. It costs us $26/deer for residents. For example here was my cost for this year only.
1 paid bow $26
1 paid doe tag $26
1 paid doe tag $11
1 paid late muzzle $26
total= $89 This doesn't include the regular hunting fees associated either. Habitat fees etc...

Looks like I'll catch you in about 3.4 years, not 20. Now I know you were saying ONE deer even then I would catch you in 11. But the fact is I bought 4 not ONE. Besides, I took 2 does out of the herd and most non-res will only shoot trophy deer, and to be quite honest the herd problem is the biggest problem right now.

Leasing usually leads to an auction on good ground, the highest bidder wins. The thought of me and my now 4 year old not being able to deer hunt because we can't afford it sickens me. We are used to hunting on a handshake and I hate to see Iowa become a big business whitetail hunting state. We just don't have the public ground to absorb more people.

My 2 cents


Leasing usually leads to an auction on good ground, the highest bidder wins. The thought of me and my now 4 year old not being able to deer hunt because we can't afford it sickens me. We are used to hunting on a handshake and I hate to see Iowa become a big business whitetail hunting state. We just don't have the public ground to absorb more people.

[/ QUOTE ]

I totally agree here. My father and I have hunted here and there before. Always being more than helpful to the landowner. However the way things are changing with leasing going on and one landowner just didn't want anybody hunting anymore for liability reasons. Anyway my father noticed what was happening and what it will lead to in the future so he bought 50 acres of bottom timber ground to ensure that I have a place to hunt and my kids have a place to hunt. Iowa does not have that much for state ground to host many residents or nonresidents. That and it is not spread around the state very well either. I feel bad that NR tags are so expensive, but I can't really say that they need to allow more tags. Have more doe tags and lower the price on them would be more reasonable as I don't see this leading to increasing the amount of land being leased. Not sure how many people would lease just to shoot a doe. Most people in Iowa started hunting with their dads and since their dads didn't fork out money to lease then they usually don't either (hunting has been a tradition for many). I also think once we start giving money to the landowners they could get greedy and demand more and not let you hunt. That or as soon as you move away sell out to the highest bidder - which is probably not going to be your average Joe hunter that has to work his tail off for a living. Just my two cents worth (probably not equal to .002 lol)
you guys need to make check stations and allow nonres's to hunt but make them shoot a doe first. if i had the opportunity to hunt iowa i would shoot as many baldies as you folks wanted. they all taste the same, except when you are making horn soup
. fact is shooting does is the only way to effectively get big bucks again. anyways just my 2 cents you guys need to implament registering points and make it mandatroy. would solve 85 % of the problems

You and other IA natives think you have a monopoly on quality hunting. The primary problem you have with NR's is that they might shoot all the BIG bucks, and unfortunately most, not all, IA hunters on this site equate big racks with a quality hunt.
Pennsylvania has a deeper hunting tradition than most states in the country. Quality hunts are measured by family, friends, anticipation, a healthy deer herd and camp fire stories at the end of the day about the one that did or didn't get away.
There is plenty of good hunting in IA for many, but the definition of a nice hunting experience is becoming blurred by "Trophy" state hunting.
I invite you to PA. The NR tags are cheap, you'll see a ton of deer and have a great time. But I forgot I can't show you a Booner.
Being from Michigan, I commend your DNR in providing Iowa residents with great deer hunting opportunities. It sounds like your herd is exceptional and the hunters are class acts. I would love to hunt Iowa and rate your hunting as one of the best in the country. I wish Michigan's DNR would learn from the people running your states Natural Resources. I would easily pay your non-resident fee to hunt quality deer instead of buying our resident tag for below average hunting. That's my 2 cents.
Marksman72, Your right the Iowa DNR has set the gun season well after the primary rut and they ought to be commended for that. But, those who ought to be commended the most are the ones who practice QDM. Shredder put it best in another post (that's gettin beat to death). "You all kill your bucks long before any genetic characteristic can be expressed leaving you with mediocre bucks. Killed with unknown potential." Iowa is proof that QDM works. QDM, on the down side has opened the flood gates for trophy hunters comming into Iowa. Years back I started taking photos of deer in our area and then I went to visit the neighbors and we discussed which deer ought to be shot and which ought to be left for seed stock. Some of the neighbors were interested in trying some QDM and others did'nt give a hoot. But things did change and the deer got bigger. My question is how many of the 24,000 non-residents that will be comming into Iowa in 2004 give a hoot about QDM?
Hunt on All4s
Why would I think we have a monopoly on Quality hunting? Heck you could go to Kansas,Illinois or another surrounding state and have just as good luck or quality hunt as Iowa. And no, I don't think they will shoot all of the big bucks. I've hunted deer for 20 years in Iowa and I see as many big deer as always, but eventually enough is enough. You can only fit so many sardines into one can. I hunt with my family and am really concerned that if I don't buy my own piece of ground I may have to pay someone to hunt when my son gets older.

And as far as PA is concerned, maybe if they would increase the price of Non-Res tags and not allow so many hunters you'd be able to show me a booner. Which is exactly why everyone wants to come to Iowa.

Let me ask you this.

Have you ever hunted Iowa?

I saw this problem coming several years back and a year ago bought 150 acres that I was'nt sure if I could afford. If I would have waited until this year the price went up 300.00 an acre. I would not have been able to have bought the farm. Now that I am a land owner I will tell you that is not the only expense I have while trying to have a QDM deer heard. The tags are a small expense but how about the supplemental feeding I do. This time of year I feed 300 pounds of corn aday.....not cheap. How about the trees I've planted, the turnips, the alphfa, winter wheat, and let alone the time and energy spent doing this. To have a truly QDM deer heard is so much more than buying a tag or land. I don't just show up in October with my bow and sit in a tree. The work and money put out is year around. I guess what I am getting at is the NR tag for 300.00 is nothing compared to what the land owner pays! I'm not big on leasing and from what the other farmers are saying they don't like it either.
I agree with you on the costs associated with developing a true QDM heard.I have NR relatives that gladly pay the $300 for a quality hunt on my QDM ranch. I do not have a problem with the legal, honorable NR hunter. What scares me is the slob NR hunters that tresspass and poach. We already have a problem with illegal NR hunters shooting the trophies at night with rifles that we nuture year in and year out. Check stations and more governmental regulations are not the answer. A change of mindset through education on QDM is. But, I do like the idea of earn a buck by shooting 2 does!
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