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Off topic... Hawkeye football


New Member
Just wondered if you have seen this:

"Texas? Forget about Texas. Texas was wine and cheese compared to what you're going to see this Saturday in Iowa City. This is more about brats and beer and a lot of both. And by the time kickoff comes, it's going to be every time the Iowa special teams or defense comes close to stepping on the field, you will not be able to hear...

I'm talking hostility the way Ohio State saw it last year against Penn State. Because of that, it's more of an equalizer than what happened with Ohio State went to Texas. The crowd will be a big factor in this game."

ESPN GameDay's Kirk Herbstreit

Are the Hawkeyes playing this weekend?
I like to hear that... Go Hawks!!!

I hope it's a mad house Sat. night. But I've been to several Iowa games, and it's never too rowdy. Hopefully this week, it's different.

You can tailgate before, just not after the game. It'll get over around 10:45 most likely.
I've been doin the happy dance for the past couple of months since I figured out I wasn't working that day. I even passed up 24 hours of over time for tomorrow, which translates into about 500 bucks take home because 1. The season opens Sunday, 2. I have a wedding to go to,(not the same one as teeroy) and 3, the ER looks like a drunk tank full of passed out or combative a$$0les and just jerks in general. Add that to the usual mix of the sick, the lame the lazy and the insane and you've got a mess I want no part of. The folks who have to work that day should get combat pay. It is bad enough at the usual 1300 kickoff, but push it back to 1900? I don't know what it is, but there is something about home football games that turn normaly nice folks into rageing jerks. Yikes.

The 'Bonker
I make it to one Hawk game a year. Just so happens that this year I picked this game to attend.

I'll be in IC by 9:00 am. What does one do for 10 hours while waiting for a footbal game to start? It ought to be a hell of a game.
Season tickets are great!
:&psych I came down from UNI this morning. Good luck driving in tommorow. It will be nuts. To get 10 blocks it took 2 hours at Iowa vs State. That is nothing compared to what tommorow will be.
Actually traffic will be fine throughout the day. Unlike the ISU game which started at 11am, people can filter in at their own pace. Leaving may be more of a issue. It will be an exciting time in Iowa City that is for sure.

(sorry to go off topic) I see you attend UNI. You guys should have a heck of a BB team this year with the addition of Eglseder (the 7' 2" kid). I bought him his first basketball when he was about 2 months old, told his parents that if he ever amounted to a pinch of S*&@ that I wanted to be his agent. I'm doubting I'll get the chance...
Hey WhitetailFanatic,
If you are looking for something to do in IC tomorrow, you can come help me replace my water heater. That's what I'll be doing.
I better get it done before the game or the family takes cold showers on Sunday!
Should be a heck of a game, hopefully the crowd will get into it like Michigan 3 years ago at home, it was a wild place that day and a game to remember.

Definitely jealous of the 85 Mich game, but then again I was only 6
and probably wouldn't have appreciated it, lol!!! Anyhow if this game is as good as either of the formentioned ones it will be awesome.
This thread is pretty quiet today!

But then, there's not much talk about the game in Ames either!
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