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Oh those poor deer!


Active Member
We just keep getting hammered with snow and cold weather, the snow in the woods is well above my knees and it has simply been a cold 2005. It is -47 this a.m and is supposed to be colder tomorrow and on the weekend, hasn't been above -30 all week. I have to wonder how many deer old man winter is going to take care of this year, will be alot.
I feel for ya Sask. I can rememeber when I lived in Iowa and we had some of those brutal winters and I wondered the same thing. Every summer down here in MS I wonder how the deer (or any critters for that matter) make it through the heat, humidity and insects.

Just goes to show you - Mother Nature can be oh so cruel.

Funny, I bet the anti's hadn't even given it any thought especially since the seasons are probably closed up North and we as sportsmen and hunters are not out there trying to harvest one. So who's more passionate and caring about the animals we love to hunt - the answer is obvious.
Sask, I hate to even tell you this but it was an unseasonably 67 degrees here in southern PA today. I worked in a cut off t-shirt all day actually heard spring peepers this afternoon and this evening walking around the neighbors pond saw a few frogs jump from the bank into the water ! But... tomorrow it's supposed to be 30 by afternoon and into the twenties by the weekend. I'm so sick of this up and down weather, I can't wait for the Feburary hog/javelina hunt in south TX. Hey hope ya keep warm and good luck sheddin!

Bobcat, I have a friend in Palmyra, talked to him on the phone on Tues, he said it was nice there, a balmy -51 here this morning, hard on vehicles!!
Hey saskguy, yea, I have the same feeling. Took a trip up north last week to my hunting/sheding grounds. Plenty of deer but also thigh deep powder snow. The deer will make it OK. The weak will die and the strongest genes will be passed on. no need to tell you that, you already know. This is one of the reasons I really love these wilderness whitetails.., they are the strongest and mightiest of the species without a doubt! One good thing about the powder snow is the Timber Wolves will not be able to get at the deer as easily. I'd bet that more wolves starve in this area then deer. I don't like the idea of "my" big strong dominant buck going through this kind of winter, but then again thats why he's in the postion he's in. I'll bet he makes it just fine. They are talking a warming trend for early next week so things are looking up. Right now its a balmy -31F. I'm planning to go coyote/fox hunting in the morning. The predator hunting has been fantastic this year with this powder snow the critters are having a tough time catching food and a dying rabbit call sure brings them on the run!
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