Central Iowa
Life Member
The Central Iowa Quality Deer Management Association Chapter is offering a chance at a conservation edition of Larry Zach's Old Rivals 1. This edition with the framing and matting is valued at $1500.00. Funds raised will allow our chapter to put on a seminar this Summer. We will be drawing for this on June 1, 2005. Tickets are $5.00 each or 5 for $20.00. . We would like to thank Zach Wildlife Art for this donation! To get your tickets write Check to "Central Iowa Branch of QDMA"
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Central Iowa QDMA
Remember, we must receive these by June 1 to be eligble for the drawing.
The Story Behind
"Old Rivals - Whitetail" from Zach Wildlife Art's website.
The original inspiration for Old Rivals - Whitetail was a huge non-typical buck I saw in my headlights as I left a bowhunting only area in central Illinois in 1993. By the time the buck was finally taken in 1997 he was one of the most spectacular and well-known wild bucks ever hunted.
The buck is usually referred to as the Mascoutin non-typical since part of his range included the Mascoutin State Park near Clinton Lake in Illinois. He was often seen and videotaped in the late summer when he fed in protein rich, soybean fields.
My friend, Ron Willmore, was a biologist in the area for a local power company and was responsible for managing the deer herd on company land. While conducting a deer census by spotlight in the fall of 1994, he discovered the big non-typical in the midst of a violent battle with another mature buck, this one a large, typical ten-point. The battle lasted for several long minutes as both bucks ignored the spotlight and fought until they were both exhausted.
After watching the tape of the epic battle I decided to put both deer in the painting and call it Old Rivals. Once I had the title I decided to include other classic rivalries in the design including John Deere/Farmall, Pepsi/Coke, Pioneer/Dekalb and others.
Nine of the big non-typical’s shed antlers have been found, the first being one side of his 1991 rack when he was a 2 ½ year old buck. Both sides were picked up in ’92, ’93 (the rack I saw him with), ’94, and ’95 (the rack I painted him with.) His 1995 rack carried 26 points, had an estimated 33 ½” outside spread and scored over 235 P&Y, gross. He was finally taken by a lucky bow hunter in 1996 when he was 7 ½ years old. His ’96 rack was smaller, grossing 230 5/8, netting 214 4/8 with 27 scorable points and a 33-inch outside spread.
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Central Iowa QDMA
Remember, we must receive these by June 1 to be eligble for the drawing.

The Story Behind
"Old Rivals - Whitetail" from Zach Wildlife Art's website.
The original inspiration for Old Rivals - Whitetail was a huge non-typical buck I saw in my headlights as I left a bowhunting only area in central Illinois in 1993. By the time the buck was finally taken in 1997 he was one of the most spectacular and well-known wild bucks ever hunted.
The buck is usually referred to as the Mascoutin non-typical since part of his range included the Mascoutin State Park near Clinton Lake in Illinois. He was often seen and videotaped in the late summer when he fed in protein rich, soybean fields.
My friend, Ron Willmore, was a biologist in the area for a local power company and was responsible for managing the deer herd on company land. While conducting a deer census by spotlight in the fall of 1994, he discovered the big non-typical in the midst of a violent battle with another mature buck, this one a large, typical ten-point. The battle lasted for several long minutes as both bucks ignored the spotlight and fought until they were both exhausted.
After watching the tape of the epic battle I decided to put both deer in the painting and call it Old Rivals. Once I had the title I decided to include other classic rivalries in the design including John Deere/Farmall, Pepsi/Coke, Pioneer/Dekalb and others.
Nine of the big non-typical’s shed antlers have been found, the first being one side of his 1991 rack when he was a 2 ½ year old buck. Both sides were picked up in ’92, ’93 (the rack I saw him with), ’94, and ’95 (the rack I painted him with.) His 1995 rack carried 26 points, had an estimated 33 ½” outside spread and scored over 235 P&Y, gross. He was finally taken by a lucky bow hunter in 1996 when he was 7 ½ years old. His ’96 rack was smaller, grossing 230 5/8, netting 214 4/8 with 27 scorable points and a 33-inch outside spread.