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Ole One Spur Goes Down : )


Active Member
Well Saturday morning started off with a big bang with no shots fired, The Roosta and I found ourselves set up on the edge of a hayfield, in the next 2 hours we seen 15 big mature gobblers and countless jakes, but they were all henned up and wouldnt come in for nothing, saturday night we seen 3 gobblers, and I had one come into 80 yards following a hen but she took him away from me. sunday morning, it was windier than heck and the birds wouldnt come out into the field, so we decided to head into uncharted territory looking for a hot bird. we walked up a big ridge and sat there kind of thinking what a crappy day since it was so windy, then a few crows started going crazy and we heard a gobble, we looked at eachother in suprise and ran down the ridge about 75 yards, and The Roosta gave out a few sweet sounding yelps, the ole boy fired up, we sat down for about 20 minutes and everything we threw at him he gobbled to, we decided to slip down the ridge another 50 yards and we seen the problem, we were on a ridge that lead right to a bottom and stopped, it was a big descent from the bottom to us so we knew he would hang up down there. we called at him anyways and he would double, triple gobble at us for the next hour. we heard hens down there and thought for sure he was gonna be gone son. finally i seen him strutting down there and i seen a couple hens, an hour had already passed and he must of gobbled over a 100 times, it was now 10:45 and we wanted to leave, so we decided a stalk was in order, i crawled in a small depression trying to get on the ridge edge, i got there and he shut up, i thought for sure he had spooked, i could only see down the left and nothing was there, so then i belly crawled about 20 yards closer to right half way there he gobbled so i knew he was still there. while belly crawling i would act like a turkey scratching towards him, i must of looked like a seaturtle moving accross the woods forest floor. once i got to the rim of the big ridge, i got up on me knees and peered over the edge, nothing, dangit i thought, he must of spooked i thought. then I looked straight below me and i seen what looked like a cow down about 25 yards from me, it turned out to be him in full strut, i raised my gun but i couldnt shoot because of all the brush, i moved my gun over about 6 inches to the right and i found a hole and let him have it when he faced me in full strut, the 3.5 inch hevishot 4's flattened him like a pancake, and 2 other gobblers flew off. It was an amazing hunt combined with a stalk and some sweet calling from The Roosta. He ended up weighing in at 28 lbs and had a 10 7/8 inch beard, and only one spur which was 1 1/4. the spur looked like it was completely sheared off. here is the pic.
the hunt lasted over a hour and a half and ended right at 11 oclock
here is some pics from saturday. i decided i need to invest in a tripod because i just cant hold steady enough to get good pics

Great pics Liv, they really get me fired up for next week. Once again the sneak (aka kat-like profile, lol) pays off big time. I love it! Great story - congrats!
Great pics Liv...looks like that hevishot did a little number on his tail. Nice story, I particularly like the "sea turtle" description
...congrats on a hard earned bird
Awsome bird dude!!!Those are some sweet pic's too.Where were you hunting?It look's like S.E Iowa to me.
thanks guys, it was in south east iowa, and i did put a few pellets through the fan, I think when i shot through the small opening some deflected, i dont keep the tail feathers anymore so it doesnt bother me if they get a little roughed up
goodluck to all in the upcoming seasons
Great job Liv!!!!

You are both a shed hunting machine and a TURKEY HUNTING MACHINE!!!!!

Awesome bird... Is that your heaviest bird to date???

Great pics also...

Nice photos and a great story. It also reinforces that you can never guess what a bird will do ... when you expect them to be one place, they show up another. Even downhill!

One week and counting!!!


PS - Hope the Veishea rioting wasn't you and Roosta out celebrating your success!!! Those knuckleheads should take up turkey hunting so they'd just be getting up at 3:00 a.m. instead of being out raisin' hell.
Liv4rut-- where you down last week? Saw a black truck across from my farm, did'nt know if that was you or not. I had a great hunt last Friday. 9 gobblers in the trees around me. I saw all nine as they gobbled in the trees. At 6:01 am one made the fatal mistake of coming too close.
thanks guys,that bird is my biggest to date weight wise, I just realized that now lol
Qdmer yeah that was us, did those birds fly our way, saturday morning we had 8 big gobblers come in at full strut, maybe the 9th was yours but missing
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