First off, I have to say I was a wrestler. I am from a wrestling town, started when I was 5 and went thru high school. All my brothers wrestled. One of my brothers is a h.s. coach (at the state tourney right now). This sport is in my blood and will be forever. Nothing build mental toughness like training while cutting weight. Brutal. But wrestling is doing this to itself. I love the sport but international wrestling is hard to watch for the common fan. There is no offense. Everyone tries to win in an overtime clinch. Freestyle and Greco can be exciting when there is offense. The scoring is set up to reward big throws and rolls, but you don't see that at that level. It is a shame, and I fear college wrestling is heading down the same path. To compete you have to train yourself to push your body farther than you think possible, to the breaking point and then beyond. I just wish this work translated better to audience.