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On A side note...

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Well-Known Member
TH won't be hunting much this week, made it to state XC. It was one of my worst runs, but I still made it in at 9th. Passed 1 guy at the end, it was wet, muddy, and humid. Not going to mention my time because it's the worst 5k I've ran. Our team itself missed out on state by 25pts, it would have been the first time our team had made it to state since 1989. A little bit different from what you're used to on a hunting forum!

I'll also be up at state for my birthday! The big 16, oh well!



That moment when our team missed out on state...we were all praying up to this moment.
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Congrats man! You were probably looking for deer while running thru the woods, that's why your time wasn't the best.
Congrats man! You were probably looking for deer while running thru the woods, that's why your time wasn't the best.


Great race...9th is pretty darn good!! Congrats and see you there...we'll be there running at 11:30. ;)
buckfever321 said:
Way to run! Looks like the Panorama course. Was that were you ran?

Yes it is! My friend actually got hit by a deer. Somebody was close enough to get pictures but never found out who was taking the pictures. That course was awful with the rain! Mud and uphills a lot of the way. Lots of guys (including myself) fell.
Thank you guys!
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Good work, kid. That's nothing to be ashamed of. At least you'll have more time to hunt, eh?
Good work, kid. That's nothing to be ashamed of. At least you'll have more time to hunt, eh?

I don't think you read that right. I made it to state as a ind. so I'll be there. LESS time to hunt because swimming starts the 1st.
Congratulations and good luck.

I would not even give deer hunting a second thought getting ready for

the meet. You will have plenty of time to deer hunt in your future but

times like this might not happen again for you. Good luck. :way:
Congratulations and good luck.

I would not even give deer hunting a second thought getting ready for

the meet. You will have plenty of time to deer hunt in your future but

times like this might not happen again for you. Good luck. :way:

Yup, I agree 100%

May stink this year to lose out on a few days of hunting but when you're 30 something like me and sitting in a tree some fall you'll pass the idle time between deer sightings thinking back to how much fun it was to compete at states back in 2012.

Your "serious" athletic's may not last past your last day of high school or if you're lucky maybe on into college at the most. Trust me when I say that the last time you peel that jersey off and it hits you that your days as an athlete are over it is not a good feeling. I played sports up through college and I can still remember taking that jersey off for the last time and realizing it was all over. Thinking of what I could have done different, how I could have worked harder, how we could have been a better team. It sucks.

Work hard now, play hard now and enjoy your athletic endeavors. They will all end too soon.

Fortunately you will have many years of huting after them.
Congratulations and good luck.
I would not even give deer hunting a second thought getting ready for
the meet. You will have plenty of time to deer hunt in your future but
times like this might not happen again for you. Good luck. :way:

I agree completely! I ran at state two years in a row and it was an amazing experience. Soak it in, enjoy it, and good luck!:way:
Congrats Biebs! that's a great accomplishment! have fun...plenty of time to hunt when you get old!
hey good luck bud! Im from a hawkeye 10 school as well! way to represent your school and our conference!
Yes it is! My friend actually got hit by a deer. Somebody was close enough to get pictures but never found out who was taking the pictures. That course was awful with the rain! Mud and uphills a lot of the way. Lots of guys (including myself) fell.
Thank you guys!

I know what you mean! When we ran districts there in 2010???... it had rained most of that day and when you got off the golf course and back into the timber it was like running through a feedlot after a heavy rain. Sucked!

Congrats on making it to state!
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