Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



A Few Steps Ahead Of You
For a bunch of reasons, work, kids, weather, etc, I have not had the opportunity to make it to the stand yet this year.... Last night was my first chance and I had backstraps on my mind so I picked a spot where I could fill a doe tag.

I got my chance with about 20 minutes before dark, but made a horrible shot.... I was absolutely disgusted.... 8 yards even and I somehow blew it....

I decided to get out and return later hoping for the best. That deer made a huge circle and bedded down on my path out.... So I jumped her, and she ran into the corn a few rows and stopped.... With nothing to loose, I stepped in one row at a time and at row 6 I saw her standing at 25 yards....

At this point, I figured getting another arrow in here was important, so I did my best and she tore off.....

I returned later with a friend and the blood trail was pretty dang good, and we found her 100 yards later! I couldn't be happier, and.... I managed to get the whole thing on film!


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If you would have been shooting any other kind of arrow you would have lost that deer!!!:D:D:D

J/k......good job Thomas on following thru and getting her down for good.
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