Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

one down!!


PMA Member
Wow...a good friend of mine allowed me to come and film his son and another father/son combo. Couldn't have been more perfect conditions, except for the fact that we got in the stand a tad bit late; but, like the common lesson is with first time hunters is to let them have fun and not everything has to be perfect. We bumped a few does going in and light was upon us. I spotted a 130" 10 pointer working towards us in a draw so we set up along the field edge. The buck continued towards us raking his rack in every tree he could find, scrape after scrape. He was working towards us when something in the adjacent field spooked him and the kids never got a shot.

We then headed in the timber and sat on opposite sides of the tree. At 8:45, 3 does made their way about 20 yards from the tree and we had our first shot...boom!! Doe took off running unscathed, she stood about 30 yards behind us, and the second son shot and dropped her right in her tracks. They were both so excited, with the first son being a little disappointed not getting the harvest, but they both took a shot at her and it will be a memory that will last a lifetime!! And so starts the 2007-08 deer season in Iowa! Here is the harvest...

Congratulations to you guys!!
You got it done!

I bet it was worth a million bucks to see the smiles on their faces after that hunt!!
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