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One Kidney, One Fetus

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New Member
So I have been checking does stomach contents and counting fetus since last year.

Doe #1 was living in a wooded situation, eating a varied about of food. Had both kidneys, and 3 fetus. Quite a bit of body fat.

Doe #2 was living in a residential neighborhood, eating only hay, had only 1 kidney, and only 1 fetus. Not much body fat.

Both doe were the same size maybe 2 or 3 years old. Im wondering if its the diet or the kidney or both that led to the lower number of fetus?

I also saw a button buck that was shot during second season that only had 1 kidney. The second one was a small deformed mass.

Anyone else notice this?
Definatley the food. Biology was a way to "manage" the herd. When food isn't available, the fawn count is lower. Makes sense when you think about it. High amount of food.......the carrying capacity is much higher. Also, the nubby fawns are more plentyfull when the food is lower because nubby fawns will move off area where doe fawns will stay in the area they were born.
Interesting findings. Makes me wonder if all the deer with kidney issue share the same family tree.

The 'Bonker
Check in with the IDNR deer biologist if ya want some good feedback. He's a good dude and likes to chat. Surely he could shed some light for ya.
This thread title sounds like a good name for a heavy metal band! :D
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