Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Ontario Buck


PMA Member
Not a harvest picture but close enough because it is a deer that I passed up on Saturday the 25th. Had him in my cross hairs twice and both times with the safety off (rifle hunting). I just about punched this guys ticket. He came in and milled around within 30 yards for about 30 minutes, making two scrapes right in front of me. His body was so big that it made his antlers look smaller then they are. When he first stepped out I thought 140, but then I had all that time to really look him over and do some counting. 6x5 very symmetrical strait typical with a hole in the left beam. Figures I ended with added up to 152 net (added the smallest side and doubled then added spread). Took this picture with my pocket camera. Funny, but Oct 25th has always been real good to me. I have a half dozen really good deer that I've taken on this date. If I would have taken this buck, he would have put me over 900 gross inches..., just on bucks taken on Oct 25th! You know where I'll be next year on that same date! This is the area where I picked up 185 inch typical sheds last fall, thats what kept this deer alive for now.
Hopefully net year ya get a crack at em when he is bigger!! Its good to have a target buck.Hope you get em!!
Shootin big bucks with a rifle would be a blast. To bad we can't do it in Iowa. Cause i would have a 200 incher on my wall. I missed him twice with my bow 5 yrs ago and it was pretty darn close. CAN WE ALL SAY BUCK FEVERRRRRR!!!!!! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif
enis if we ever had an antlered rifle season start in iowa that would be the day that i quit hunting we would simply have no big eer anymore plain as that thats why we have the number of big deer that we do.. Yea sure other states have big deer that have rifle seasons but they do not have the quantity.....yes sir in acouple of years that will be an awesome deeer
Hope the free pass works out for you. I would have had to let an arrow fly at that guy!
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