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Opening day buck?


New Member
How many of you have actually patterned a mature buck before the season and then bagged that buck on opening day or even in the first 2-3 days of season?

I'm just curious because I got to thinking about how hard it really is to do this, even though you seem to read about patterning bucks in the early fall all the time.

Years ago I even bragged at the archery shop that I was going to kill a big one on opening day because I had him patterned to a "T" and I figured it was going to be as easy as going out there on opening day and shooting him. I never did get him and I was kinda embarrassed because I almost guaranteed my friends that the buck was mine.

Is it really as hard as it seems? Have any of you actually done it?
I've never had success in patterning a buck and getting a crack at him.

For me, just when I think I know...I find out I DON'T.
i have just to blow the shot
It has never worked for my but I know that it has worked for many. Seems like a bunch of early smoke polers have success patterning a buck with a harvest.
The only thing I have learned is that the only thing I can assume correctly about whitetails is that they never do what I think they will!

Actually, the land I hunt is mostly river-bottom that is grazed heavily and doesn't have any source of food. I usually don't see many deer until the rut gets started, then they come down to the river bottom from the crop fields.
I had several real nice bucks patterned here in southeast Wisconsin coming to a secluded soybean field in the afternoons, but the soybeans dried up just before the season opened and so did the buck sightings.

not this guy, i ussually don't have the time to do my homework well enough, with all the corn in this year it has made it harder yet to even located the bigguns. i just lack time, and it irritates me
Two years ago I had one patterned and put my little brother on him opener evening. 166 non-typical which was his first deer with a bow. The only time Ive even come close.
2 times in the 4 years of really trying.

I patterened a 125in 8pt several years ago (before I knew anything with more than 8pts was around) Was postive I was going to kill him 1st night. 1st night he was out of range, 2nd night I missed.

This year, three weeks ago. Decent 11pt, setup on him, knew 7:30 to 7:40 he would jump the fence. 7:30 came, I grabbed the bow, tightned my release. There he was, I got all ansy and moved to much in my blind and I think he picked me off, cuz he never jumped over the fence.

Now getting the deal sealed is where I seem to be having the trouble.

Thought I was gonna kill a bigun last year opening day, had him patterned without 3 other good ones, well the other 3 showed up, I even passed a 150" 10 waiting for this deer and he never showed. Took me until the second to last day to put him down.
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