Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Opening Day Stand



So where is everyone going to be sitting on opening day? Myself I've narrowed it down to a wooded pond or a green field. Just thought it would be interesting to here where others are planning to sit.
well for my early morning stand set-up i'll probably be setting up on a manlift to finish staining my house and then probably do a little plumbing towards early evening, more than likely i'll be in this set-up the rest of the evening. should make for a very eventful opening day!
I am booked with about 8 surgeries tomorrow and tons of appointments so I will be standing most of the day in scrubs hacking away at dogs and cats. Saturday will be my first outing and I am sitting in one of my observation stands.
tomorrow night, well actually tonight since it is OCT 1. I will find myself in a small brushy / grassy strip, inbetween the start of a hard woods ridge, and about a 100 yards accrossed from another hard woods ridge. I got beans behind me about a 120 yards away and I got alfalfa about a 120 yards to the left of me. I can see a long ways so it is more of an observation stand, but the rub lines in front of me has me convinced I may have something heading down to the beans before dusk
goodluck to everyone this fall!!!
Can't get out on openning day, but Sat. a.m. will be in the buddy stand with my 7 yr old son. Set up on the edge of the timber on a cornfield corner where does come to feed every morning and evening. HOpe to have that antlerless tag filled with him in the stand as few hours as possible to keep it interesting and exciting for him.
Unfortunately, Im in it right now it's called my desk chair, BUT tomorrow morning I'm going to be in a funnel which is between a alfalfa field and a bean field. Good Luck to All Happy Hunting and lets see some pics.
Tonight I'm going to sit an observation stand, in about 10 minutes I'm going to slip out my back door, head north through the pines until I come to an alfalfa field and then I'm going to wait for them to trickle into the woods, maybe a good buck will be there.
i'm gunna be sitting on "turkey ridge". saw too many deer there first weekend of season last year to not be there again tonite. car is packed, clothes are washed, now i only have 4 more hours or work before i'm skipping out for the weekend.
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