Life Member
It sure was cold out there this morning! Not as much gobbling close as I would like to hear but I decided to stick it out and wait, I've moved out too quickly and jumped birds coming in silent a few too many times. The last gobble I had heard was probably 150 yards away and 10 minutes earlier when low and behold a nice longbeard walked right through an opening exactlty like I had hoped and came straight in to my decoys and strutted around only 10 yards away. Somehow I managed to keep my composure and get the bow drawn and let it rip right as he turned his head quartering away just a little bit. A few flops and it was over, he was lying there dead only 11 yards from the blind. I looked at my watch and it was only 7:28 am.
24 pound gobbler with 10" beard and 1 1/8 spurs. I love it when a plan comes together!!
Equipement used: 2004 Bowtech Patriot with Copper John Dead Nuts sight and Trophy Taker Fall-Away rest shooting Easton Epic arrows tipped with Muzzy broadheads and Zwickey Scorpio grapplers that grip the shaft and slide down to the fletching after the hit to inhibit shoot-thru's.
Double Bull T-5 Pro-Staff blind on my "Double Bull Caddy" (A golf club hand cart converted to carry my blind along with daypack containing decoys, bow holder, etc.)
24 pound gobbler with 10" beard and 1 1/8 spurs. I love it when a plan comes together!!
Equipement used: 2004 Bowtech Patriot with Copper John Dead Nuts sight and Trophy Taker Fall-Away rest shooting Easton Epic arrows tipped with Muzzy broadheads and Zwickey Scorpio grapplers that grip the shaft and slide down to the fletching after the hit to inhibit shoot-thru's.
Double Bull T-5 Pro-Staff blind on my "Double Bull Caddy" (A golf club hand cart converted to carry my blind along with daypack containing decoys, bow holder, etc.)