Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

opening day success


i headed out to my treestand around 5:30 got in my stand at 10 til 6 at 6:10 i shot a doe,bad thing is that i had too drag her a 1/4 of a mile because there was corn surrounding me,it took me a whole hour to get her to my truck.that was a work out,but now i have fresh jerky meat hanging in the garage!!!good luck to everyone.
Congrats! I'll bet you'll be rewashing your clothes after a 1 hour drag. That would build up a little sweat!:D
Standing corn sucks. So does shooting a deer and having to drag it! Time to wash your clothes up again!
Well done.
Congrats...pretty good accomplishment considering the crappy weather for opening day :way:

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