New Member
Today was opening day of turkey season and I had about 4 hours to hunt this morning. The first spot I went to produced no gobbler sightings nor sounds, only four hens. So I wussed out and took my bow home and got my shotgun and went to another farm to hunt. I arrived about 9 am and set up a hen and jake decoy along a fencerow between a wheat field and cornfield. It did'nt take long to get some hens into the decoy spread, when they started to wander off I would call them back with soft yelps and clucks, This went on for about an hour when off to the north a gobbler sounded off, I figured he was about 150 yards away. I yelped at him with my mouth yelper and a glass slate at the same time finishing with some loud clucks, then I just shut up and waited. About ten minutes later and he's standing on the edge of the wheat field, fifty yards away. He seemed to be more interested in the live hens than my fake turkeys and that really worked out well for me. He went into strut towards the live hens to my left, his path took him about 10 yards beyond my decoys and 20 yards from me. I clucked at him to stop him in an opening and let him have it with a load of #4s.
He's a pretty good bird, 24lb, 10" beard and 1" spurs
He's a pretty good bird, 24lb, 10" beard and 1" spurs