Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Opinions Needed


Active Member
I have a Savage 220f that is just about NIB. The person I got it from fired it enough to site in the scope (3x9 Bushnell) and that was it. I gave up shotgun seasons years ago because of the extensive pressure on public lands here in Polk County. But now I have this "tack driver" slug gun and I can't decide if I want to keep it or trade it/sell it for a new compound. Which, by the way, I have "needed" since about the time I got the last one home...
GRRRR, I can't decide!
What would you guys do?
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If you don't need the gun and can't see yourself using it , sell it for something you do need/want.
Not to be a smart a** but who owns guns they don't need?
I just bought a recurve this year thinking I was done with compounds but I was only kidding myself.
Screw it, I'm gonna keep it. I can always sell it later. Thanks for your input
Not to be a smart a** but who owns guns they don't need?

I own 6 different 12 guages and I certainly don't need all of them. 3 of them were inherited when my dad passed away and one was acquired from my grandpa so I'd have something of family value for my son when he's old enough. Of those 3 that were my dad's, 2 have strong sentimental value and even high $$ value. The other one I don't need at all and I've tried half-heartedly to sell it. Its possible to own something you don't need. I was going to suggest you get rid of it for something that you'd get more use out of.
Sorry guys, I sometimes forget that sarcasm doesn't always convey well in the written word. Of course I know you can own things you don't need, my guns I have now are a testament to that! And yes, I will continue to acquire them until I pass from this earth!
Yours is a valid point AZ, about trading for something I could possibly use more often. However, as I stated earleir, I just got a recurve this year so I don't really need a new bow. I will keep the 20 gauge and try it out this year, 2nd season. Who knows maybe I will get rid of it after that.
Thanks again for everyones input
i don't NEED well over half the guns i own, but i keep buying them

For that matter, I fall into that category, too! What does it say when you outgrow your 36-gun safe as soon as you buy it? :D

iabwhuntr...you don't "need" a new bow, but you know you want one...and you have a taker on the Savage. Its meant to be...your density! :way:
I agree! I was going to have to buy a $200 slug barrel for my mossberg 835. I figure I may as well get a whole new gun.
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